로그인 회원가입

카리 월그런 영어로


영어 번역mobile phone모바일

  • Kari Wahlgren
  • 카리    Kari
  • 그런    그런 ☞ 그러하다 ~ 사람 such a man (as that) / a man like that / that sort of man / the like of him / his like. ~식으로 so / (in) that way / in that manner / like that. ~ 경우에는 in that case / in such a case / in
  • 월그린    Walgreens
  • 그런지 그런지    Grunge
  • 그런대    thereupon
  • 그런데    그런데 but; however; and yet; by the way; by the bye; now. ~ 그 일은 어떻게 되었습니까 By the bye, how does the matter stand? / Now, what has become of the matter you spoke of? ~ 어디서 식사를 하지요 Well, where shall we
  • 그런즉    그런즉 therefore; accordingly; thereupon; hence; consequently; such being the case; then.
  • 그런지    grunge
  • 그런트    Grunt (software)
  • 그런 거 아냐    Sonna Koto Nai yo
  • 그런 까닭으로    so
  • 그런 모양의 장식    cornucopia
  • 그런 이유로    wherefore
  • 그런 일이 없기를    heaven forbid
  • 그런고로    therefore; consequently; thence
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